with ferments

Ferments du Futur is a public-private partnership set up to accelerate research and innovation in ferments, fermented foods and biopreservation, thereby promoting safer, healthier and more sustainable food systems.

A unique partnership in Europe

Ferments du Futur is a programme supported by INRAE and ANIA, with €48.3m of funding over 10 years from France 2030.

Its funding will provide unique, interconnected capabilities combining the very best in fermentation research and innovation.

Bulles graphique du logo de FdF

Ferments du Futur is also a vibrant ecosystem with 38 members, including start-ups, companies, higher education and research organisations, interprofessional organisations, technical institutes, trade unions and competitiveness clusters.

The players

Our members


Strategic Steering Committee (SSC)

Executive Committee (EC)

Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

What is Ferments du Futur?

Cutting-edge capabilities

The Ferments du Futur ecosystem is based on an innovation centre located at the heart of the Paris-Saclay cluster, equipped with ultra-modern screening and fermentation platforms, and a technology platform distributed across seven INRAE research units specialising in microbiology, process engineering, microbiome, AI and modelling.

Two project portfolios built on synergy

Ferments du Futur finances an annual call for research projects aimed at French public laboratories and conducts confidential innovation projects with companies.