Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Advisory body made up of international scientific experts appointed by the SSC. Its role is to support the annual calls for projects, to identify new research directions, new technological developments, and more.

Dr Abelardo Margolles

Affiliation: Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (IPLA)
Paseo Río Linates s/n
33300 Villaviciosa
Asturias, SPAIN
Dr Abelardo Margolles graduated Ph.D. in Pharmacy in 1997 (University of Santiago de Compostela) and did his postdoctoral stay in the University of Groningen (1997 – 2000). In 2001, Dr Margolles became Staff Scientist of CSIC and currently he hold a Profesor de Investigación position in the MicroHealth group. His present research interest focuses on technological and health applications of food and intestinal microbiomes, mechanistic studies of the health-promoting effects of foods, intestinal bacteria and prebiotics, as well as the understanding of the molecular interactions between the gut microbiota and the host.
Pr Jean Baudry

Affiliation : Laboratoire Colloïdes et Materiaux Divises
UMR 8231 “Chimie, Biologie, Innovations”
Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles
10, rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris Cedex 05
Prof Jean Baudry is Directeur de Recherche in CNRS in the unit Chimie, Biologie, Innovation at ESPCI Paris – PSL. Trained as a physical chemist, he develops new technologies for the life sciences, particularly around high-throughput “single cell” analysis for immunology and microbiology. He has recently developed an interest in communities of microorganisms. Prof Baudry is co-founder of Saber Bio in 2021 and Revobiom in 2022.
Pr John Morrissey

Affiliation: School of Microbiology, University College Cork, Ireland
Prof John Morrissey is an expert in yeast biology and leads a research team in UCC focused on developing yeasts for biotechnological applications. He is also Director of the SUSFERM Centre (Sustainable Fermentation and Bioprocessing Systems for Food and the Bioeconomy) at UCC. Prof Morrissey’s yeast career started with his PhD at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany and continued with post-doctoral research at UC Berkeley, USA and the John Innes Centre, UK before he returned to Ireland in 2000. He has an extensive publication record and has co-ordinated several large multi-partner EU Framework projects. He is Editor in Chief of FEMS Yeast Research, a member of the board of the Microbial Biotechnology Division of the European Federation of Biotechnology, and represents Ireland on the International Commission on Yeasts.
Pr Nicola Segata

Affiliation: Department CIBIO, University of Trento
Prof Nicola Segata, Ph.D., is Professor and Principal Investigator in the CIBIO Department at the University of Trento (Italy) and Principal Investigator at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan (Italy). Prof Segata’s lab employs experimental metagenomic tools and novel computational approaches to study the diversity of the microbiome across conditions and populations and its role in human diseases. The projects in his lab bring together computer scientists, microbiologists, statisticians, and clinicians and are generally focused on profiling microbiomes with strain-level resolution and on the meta-analysis of very large sets of metagenomes with novel computational tools.
Dr Olivier Bernard

Affiliation: BIOCORE
Laboratory of Oceanography of Villefranche
Dr Olivier Bernard graduated an Diplôme d’Ingénieur from the École Centrale de Lyon and a Master’s degree in controlin 1992. He graduated his Ph.D. in biological oceanology at the Sorbonne University (Paris VI) in 1995. He has a Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches from the Université Côte d’Azur, in the field of Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et la Communication. Dr Bernard is Directeur de Recherche at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), where he was recruited in 1999. He heads the BIOCORE (Modélisation et Contrôle des écosystèmes artificiels) research team. Dr Bernard teaches at CentraleSupelec and the MinesParisTech. He has coordinated several national and European projects on microalgae and/or anaerobic digestion. He is the author of more than 200 publications in scientific journals in the fields of mathematical modelling, automatic control, biotechnology, phycology, water treatment and life cycle analysis. He is also the author of 15 patents.
Pr Patrizia Brigidi

Affiliation : Human Microbiomics Unit
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences
Via Massarenti, 9
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
40126 Bologna – ITALY
Prof Patrizia Brigidi is Full Professor of “Fermentation Biotechnology” at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of the University of Bologna. She is Member of the Presidency Council of the National Technological Cluster A.Food and Expert in the Italian Delegation in Horizon Europe Programming Committee, Cluster VI. Her research activity is documented by over 250 papers on peer-reviewed international journals, focused on the study of human microbiome, in the perspective of its modulation to promote the host’s health. Prof Brigidi leads and participates a number of European and National projects aimed at studying, by omics approaches, the role of microbiome in healthy aging and non-communicable diseases.