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On this page, you will find useful documents for your communications or to help you understand the programme, as well as a organisation charts with pictures and contact details of the members of the Ferments du Futur Strategic Orientation Committee.

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Organisation chart of the SSC office

Monique Axelos

Scientific Director, Food and Bioeconomy – INRAE

Antoine Baule

Chair of the “Innovation” Committee – ANIA

Marie-Christine Champomier-Vergès

Research Director – INRAE
INRAE Representative

Grégoire Burgé

Deputy Director in charge of Innovation – AgroParisTech
Engineering Schools Representative


Vanessa Prévot

Vice-Chair in charge of Research – UCA
University Representative

Kevin Camphuis

Co-founder of ShakeUp Factory
Start-up Representative


Patrice Laforce

Research and Development Director – Lallemand
Corporate Representative


Patrice Breuil

Director of Innovation, Research & Development – AGRIAL
Cooperative Representative


Trombinoscope du COS au complet [A venir]